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2021 Turn things around, sing harmony and draw the future together

Time : 2021/02/20 View : 522

2021 Turn things around, sing harmony and draw the future together


Happy the beginning of the year of the ox in the spring, following the year of the rat to show its grand plans. The year 2020, which is full of harvest, is about to wave away, and the vibrant 2021 is about to usher in the spring. The bell of the new year is about to ring, and history will turn a new page.

On February 8, 2021, the 2020 year-end summary meeting of Snow Leopard Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. was grandly held. The directors and all employees of the company gathered together to look back on the struggle of the past year and look forward to the new prospects of Snow Leopard Daily Chemicals Co., Ltd.

leader's speech



At the opening of the annual meeting, Tong Xing, general manager of Snow Leopard Daily Chemical, delivered a New Year speech to all employees. Mr. Tong said that 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year, but the company has always acted actively, creating its own world in the extraordinary, and developing steadily in 2020.

The speech expressed affirmation and gratitude to all employees for their hard work and hard work in 2020.


Advanced recognition

On the same day, awards were given to "excellent employees", "excellent teams", "excellent workshops" and "excellent departments", commending individuals and teams with outstanding performance and frequent achievements this year. Thank you for your hard work and hard work.


Summarize the past and look to the future


At the end of the annual meeting, Ms. Li Qiuyan, Chairman of Snow Leopard Daily Chemical, delivered a speech, summarizing 2020, looking forward to 2021, and proposing development goals and planning directions for 2021.

In 2020, the company will actively assume social responsibilities, insist on devoting itself to public welfare undertakings, and promote the development of public welfare undertakings in China. In the coming 2021, the company will always be committed to public welfare undertakings, and make due contributions to social development and repay the society as far as possible.

In 2020, Snow Leopard Daily Chemical Co., Ltd. was awarded the Intelligent Workshop of Jiangsu Province, which played a leading role in the intelligent production of the daily chemical industry in the whole province and even the whole country. In 2021, Snow Leopard Daily Chemicals will definitely continue to improve its hard power and move towards an intelligent chemical factory.



The 2020 year-end summary conference finally came to a successful conclusion in a harmonious, warm, passionate and joyous atmosphere! In the new year, Snow Leopard Daily Chemicals will make persistent efforts and keep making progress. With the spirit of Snow Leopards who do not believe in perfection, market-oriented, driven by technological innovation, and survival by quality, Snow Leopard Daily Chemicals will become an outstanding brand. The industry leader in the industry, create greater glories!
























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0510-86294448 Email:xbmkt@xuebao.com.cn Add:No.35, Qiaoqi Yingbin Avenue, XuXiake Town, Jiangyin City
Jiangsu Snow Leopard Household Chemical Co., Ltd.  
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